The Alcohol Reduction Programme seeks to support service users presenting with problematic alcohol use in reducing the harm associated with alcohol use, safely managing their alcohol use or becoming alcohol-free, according to the service user’s personal goals.

The Alcohol Reduction programme includes sessions on co-dependency, individual safety plans, alcohol refusal skills, coping with cravings, problem-solving skills, decision-making, managing relapse, identifying goals and a personal action plan.

The programme runs Monday & Friday mornings for 3hrs per session with both males and females encouraged to attend.  The Alcohol Reduction Programme has provided 3 x 10-Weekly sessions of programmes and 36 service users completed this programme in ‘2015.

The Alcohol Reduction Programme is a ten-week programme for people who wish to reduce or abstain from alcohol in a group setting.

It aims to:

  1. Provide quality services in response to the unique needs of individuals affected by alcohol misuse.
  2. Empower, support and encourage change within a group setting.
  3. Assist each person to recognise their individuality and potential

The alcohol programme takes referrals from local GP’s, Social Care in St. James Hospital and through self-referrals.

Reduce the use is one of the Modules within the Alcohol Reduction Programme:

  • The role of thoughts and beliefs
  • Changing our thoughts
  • Identifying goals
  • Personal action plan
  • Refusal skills
  • Cravings and social support systems
  • Relapse prevention
  • Safe plans, drink and cravings diaries were distributed and discussed at each session


Please find below our Addiction Response Crumlin “Choose to Change” Alcohol Reduction Evaluation Report.  This is a 2 year Pilot Programme which started in ‘2011 and  is an evidence based evaluation using the “Reduce the use model”.

CLICK HERE to download or right click and “save as”