The Aftercare Programme provides aftercare services to over 18’s in recovery from substance misuse from the Dublin 12 area.  To alleviate the damaging effects, individually, socially and occupationally that addiction has caused to the recovering substance misuse.  By providing rehabilitation through Aftercare to those in recovery from addiction.

The aftercare programme provides Relapse Prevention Groups, Peer Support Groups, One to One Key Working, Alcohol Free Groups, Care Planning, CRA, Stress Reduction Group, Holistic Therapies and Counselling.

The service is provided on a flexible basis in order to accommodate those who have childcare issues, or who have embarked on employment, further education, and/or training outside the project. (Day, and Evening Programmes)

Aftercare provides training through the aftercare programme to 55 participants attend weekly who are free of substance misuse to meet their skills gap.


Drop in happens every Monday and Thursday from 5pm to 9pm where service users can link in with staff, receive holistic therapies, peer support, socialise. This programme runs all year round.

The Alcohol Aftercare group had 50 service users attending weekly sessions for 2 hours per week.  This group take part in group facilitated support weekly, they work on relapse prevention and dealing with triggers.

The Aftercare Programme has found an increased level of service users attending services and facilities in the Dublin 12 area.